
Action Comics #1

A complete, and high quality, scan of Seigel and Shuster's Action Comics No.1 (DC Comics 1938). This issue, in which Superman makes his first ever apperarance, arguably tops the list of comic-dom's grail of grails.
Read it Here.
via Xroads
...valued at around 110K...(yes, K!), it's too bad I missed out on a copy at auction this year. Um...ehehe...yyyya.


maarten said...

Lol he looks more like a superbad guy with all the people running away from him while hes trashing a car haha. So you didnt like the new episodes of starwars?

MARV said...

It does doesn't it?...Hmm, never saw it like that before...

*New Star Wars Eps. mad eme angry....GRRR! Lucas!!!