
Penthouse Vagrant throws down big-time!!! the

Penthouse Vagrant's (No_L) "My Gushing Enthusiasm"
Check it out here.
...and the voting is set up as random "battles" between tees...which is HERE.
So, if you're so inclined, wait 'til P.V.'s tee pops up and vote for it! NOW!!!
*Dude!...finally popped up a few times and kicked some ass!...although this "hairy shirt" almost...almost, gave me pause for thought...
Good Luck!
** it?..."glowing man-junk"???...I LOVE IT!!!


NOEL said...


Much love to you good sir, and thanks for choosing me over the hirsute tee, I know it must have torn you asunder to do so...

MARV said...

ooo!it was tough...but friendship wins out in the end!

NOEL said...

Just checked the rankings and I'm in the top 16 yeah!!

the thing swings more than a key party though I'm sure the glory will be short lived...

MARV said...

Nice!...I'll keep voting!!!