
Homicidal tendencies are best served "toasty-warm"....
LRG's "Friday the 47th Jason Hoody"!!!
pic via: Jungle-Life

pic via: Hypebeast

AWW CRAP!!! I think I might've missed out on the much (I think, well deserved)-hyped "Jason" hoody!!!...might have to hit up Karmaloop...
...and just in time for Halloween!
I'm feeling the mash-up vibe on the details...
Detachable Jason Mask? Check. Freddy Krueger stripes? Check. Texas-chainsaws? Check. CHECK!...*actual chainsaws, optional.
Very limited, and priced nice at about a 'hunge' (not like the over-hyped Bape "Tiger" hoodies...f**kers.).

So if you missed out on last year's "Dead Serious" hoody...
...don't sleep on these!

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