

Star Wars (3,4, 5...the only ones for me!) was on the box on the weekend...and I caught the Hoth scenes in "Empire"...and now I (and I'm sure I'm not the only one...) really, really, really....want an AT-AT Walker. I'll even settle for a personal one, kinda like a Segway...but with legs!

C'mon!...I already feel gipped as it is! This isn't the future I was promised...where's my flying cars? cities with moving walkways?? jetpack???In this day and age? Surely there's a way to give people their very own AT-ATs...please?...laser cannons optional...

Here's some AT-AT goodness...
"Nazi AT-AT"

Bill McMullen's "AD-AT"...Adidas Shelltoes x AT-AT

...a "Bugaboo" at more than a grand? ( if you include all the optional add-ons you think you need , but really don't)...Stuff that!!!...I'm makin' me one of these!
And check out 'dad's' Boba Fett wristie! A cool baby with a nerdy dad?..or vice versa?...or both?


Unknown said...

Lol I love that AT-AT walker stroller.. great picture. My husband loves collecting Star Wars merchandise and has the original AT-AT from the 1980's. Unfortunately, some pieces are missing and he no longer has the box, but it still looks good.

MARV said...

Hiya Paula,

Oh I know! Isn't that stroller jusr the epitome of "AWESOME!"
(I'm gonna make me one of those...if the wifey and I get around to another bub.)

Oh, and I'm diggin' your husband already! An "AT-AT" collection?? Rock on! And those figs from the 80's were the best too (not like these fandangled modern ones..)

Thanks for visiting! :)

muchMarvlove to ya!