
Six Degrees Of...ROD STEIGER?!?

--Rod Steiger in "Run Of the Arrow"

It turns out that one of my favorite pub games, "Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon" , at which I'm fairly good at (at least before I've had too many Goose&T's...at which point I just make stuff up!), is a little bit inaccurate...It seems that Brett Tjaden, a computer scientist at the University of Virginia, not only calculated the "Bacon Number" of more than a quarter of a million actors...but also calculated the degrees of connectedness of every actor who's ever acted in Hollywood! (I guess someone had to...)
...and Bacon only ranked 669th!!!
And at the top af the heap? ROD STEIGER! (Steiger's "Bacon Number" is 2.679...as opposed to Bacon's 2.8312 )

Click the links for everything you wanted to know (and stuff you didn't) about the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, The Bacon number, and etcetebladiblah...
...and of course: The Oracle of Bacon!

* Pope John Paul II's "Bacon Number"?.... 3

** "Six Degrees of Rod Steiger" ( one or more players, and all you need is a good imagination): Substitute Rod Steiger in all of Kevin Bacon's films...and hit your mind's 'play' button!....waitaminute!!!...Steiger (circa' now) in "Wild Things"??.....eeew. Game over.

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